Tips to maximize your credit accumulation
You can join several exchanges and spend hours clicking away every day. However, you can ulilize several strategies that will allow you to accumulate credits in a more efficient manner. You can use free methods (such as surf promos) or paid methods (upgrades). The ideas mentioned below are actual real life examples from the site owner’s personal history in traffic exchanges.
Most exchanges offer a free membership. You can trade your time ‘surfing’ other member’s ads and have yours shown on the exchange without any costs. The recommended exchanges page on this site will help you start with some good traffic sources.
Upgrade as much as possible. Most upgrades will give you a set amount of credits in your account every month. This way you are not starting at zero. Also, most exchanges offer their best upgrade pricing on your first log in after joining. This is a great way to lock in some ongoing savings.
I highly recommend starting with EasyHits4U. This is one of the oldest and largest (by membership) exchanges in existence. They get hundreds of new members each month. This site has the potential to give your ads a lot of exposure. The only downside is the lack of surf promos.
Another exchange to consider is Leads Leap. This site offers free traffic, free tracking, and a free splash page builder. It is more than an exchange, it is a source for most of the tools you will need to promote any opportunity.
Another way to increase your credit stockpile is by participating in surf promos. Commando surf gives you extra credit for surfing Traffic Era and Traffic Splash at the same time. You can set up a free account at TE Command Post and sync your exchange credentials to get started. ClickVoyager gives you the opportunity to surf for your one week upgrade each Sunday.
If you are a member of a site and notice frequent promos, consider upgrading . This will give you even more credits directly, or shorter timers which lead to more credits per surfing session.
It is impossible to join every exchange. That is why you should consider joining a co-op, such as The Downliner. These sites will get your advertising into hundreds of different exchanges. You simply allocate some of your credits in other exchanges to your co-op link. You then earn credits to have your ads shown in multiple sites. Several traffic exchanges are now using these co-op links instead of starting a separate co-op site.
You can always buy traffic. This may consist of upgrading in exchanges or buying credits. Some sites even offer log in ads and start pages. Another recommendation is to buy advertising from TE Hoopla, This site tests and tracks exchanges and provides frequent recommendations based on their testing. This is a good source to find the next exchanges you want to join.
A single traffic source is unlikely to get a lot of exposure to your ads. So, implement the ideas mentioned above and you will increase your chances of your ads being seen. For best results, use a combination of all of these methods.
Another consideration is a traffic exchange or co-op rotating traffic by member, not by site. In other words, two splash pages will not be seen twice as often, but only half as much as having only one page showing. This common concept is why you need to considering joining multiple exchanges.
If you study marketing, you know people rarely buy on the first presentation of an offer. You need to have your offer exposed to someone several times. You will understand this more by reading the what to promote section.
When advertising your pages, you need to find the balance of showing your ad several times to a member of an exchange, while trying to diversify into as many advertising sources as reasonably possible. You may benefit from frequent views in a few exchanges before spreading your advertising to the co-op strategies.
Let’s assume a possible situation after you have joined several exchanges. You have an upgrade, maybe two, and do not have to surf those exchanges as often. You joined some programs with ongoing surf promos, and surf on the days that offer the maximum amount of credits.
You are now generating some credit surpluses. Now you can join a co-op, and apply some of your credits with the co-op provided link. You will now earn credits to show ads in exchanges you don’t even know exist.
You can continue to join traffic exchanges and upgrade as your budget allows. Another consideration is to join offshoots of the manual traffic exchange, such as safelists, banner exchanges, and paid to click programs.
The accumulation of credits is useless if you do not promote the right offers.